-> High-quality, online courses for an accredited education
Since the pandemic studying remote has become crucial and more and more courses have to be made available online. Woolf helps to create a unique learning experience by not trying to replace traditional classes but builds a platform around weekly calls which makes it easy for students to find and apply to courses as well as tutors, independent or from well known colleges, to create these courses, manage assignments and communicate with their students.
I helped Woolf to completely rethink and redesign all of their major flows and use cases: From how courses are build and taken by students, to how tutors grade submissions and manage various co-horts & course versions. The platform has to cover lot of ground so we developed a design system and navigation patterns to make sure the design is expandable, flexible and adaptable to user preferences and course content.

-> A premium mobile app to bridge content, curation and commerce

-> Artisanal eclairs and ice cream handmade in the heart of Berlin

-> A program designed to amplify the next generations artists

-> Yoga for athletes to improve their mental and physical wellbeing

-> Developing a new design language for the streaming platform

-> High-quality, online courses for an accredited education

-> Automatically generate personalised presentations with custom data inputs

-> A special business account tailored to the needs of freelancers